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Photo of a Baby Boomer female working on laptop

Go Digital or Die: Advice for Baby Boomer Business Owners

Sounds harsh, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, it’s true. We are seeing more and more baby boomers business owners who are like deer in the headlights. Why? Because they are overwhelmed with the digital and technical aspects of their business, which has stifled their growth. This is not just in marketing and sales, which is where we…
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Two businessmen celebrating finding the right digital marketing agency

Looking for a digital agency? Integrity and business savvy matter the most

Digital marketing is a lot like trying to put seven cats into a water-filled bathtub at the same time. You might get them in there OK (well, except for some nasty scratches), but getting them to stay put is another matter entirely.
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Male entrepreneur describing his successful company using a whiteboard

Creating a successful company—in spite of yourself

“You are your own worst enemy.” This harsh reality of life isn’t as impactful when you’re not in a position of leadership. But if you are leading others in some effort—and for this post, I’m going to focus on leadership in business—your weaknesses become a serious impediment to success, because they have a direct effect…
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Photo of a conference table surrounded by successful entrepreneurs

What it takes to be a successful entrepreneur

I’m going to tell you some secrets in this article about what it really takes to become a successful entrepreneur. Things you won’t read elsewhere. Things that make the difference between steady, solid growth and downright disaster.
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Salespeople sitting around a table, discussing sales strategy

What’s really happening in sales—including Account-Based Marketing—and what works now

Traditional sales methods aren’t working anymore. We all know what’s wrong:
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Woman talking to her team about how to manage digital marketing

How to manage digital marketing: Three game-changing strategies

Digital marketing is not easily managed. It’s got a lot of moving parts, and there are not as many hard and fast rules as we would like (or as digital marketing consultants tend to imply). In this piece, I’m going to reveal three strategies that, if you put them to use, will put you head…
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Salesperson with a big smile, demonstrating one of selling's fatal flaws

How to eliminate selling’s fatal flaw

The fundamental problem with selling—and the behavior of salespeople—is that when you are selling the usual way, someone has to win.
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Love button in green

Love, logic, and your bottom line

Love. What is love? At its most basic, it is you taking good care of someone who is depending on you. Paying attention to them, giving them the help they need, communicating with them, and being generous with your comfort and your time. In business, love is an essential ingredient, if not the driving ingredient.…
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