beautiful sunset with clouds

Business Owners: What 2021 will require of us

If you are a business owner, and especially if you are a small business owner, 2020 was a very challenging year. Even more so if you were in an industry directly affected by the pandemic. There is hope, though.
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Photo of a wooden model being pulled by strings labeled "Fear"

Fear Not: How to overcome fear and rise to new heights

Fear, like stress, is a thief that paralyzes us and keeps us from living life to the fullest. I suppose it can come in handy, at least if you use it to realize the severity of a situation. But that’s about it. Usually fear makes us less productive, less brave, less willing to take risks.…
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Photo of a woman enjoying a Kettle & Fire cup of bone broth or Keto soup

Kettle & Fire: Website Engagement on Steroids

Most websites are brochures on a screen. Which is kind of silly, given that the visitor is more than happy to click around, take advantage of offers, and even answer a few questions, if you ask at the right time and in the right way. Website engagement is the new frontier.
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Photo of a woman smiling after she found a b2b marketing agency that is a good fit

Ditch the Jerks

I read an article recently that shared tips and tricks on how to work with difficult people. The majority of this article said that it is best to accept the reality of your situation and deal with it, or in other words, suck it up. That didn’t sit very well with me, as I have…
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Photo of a man and woman sitting in an office at their desk having a discussion

How to manage developers and other tech-savvy specialists

As Frank Zinghini and I discuss in episode #5 of our video series, “Go Digital or Die,” there are some tricks to hiring and managing tech-savvy specialists. And given that we are all in the midst of digital transformation, and business is becoming “all” digital, this is an important topic. Here’s some advice on how…
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