A perfect client is a joy to work with.

This is Meredith Keating, the President of Randall Foods.

Meredith is the perfect client for us. We love working with her. Our joint efforts have been successful and satisfying.

So disappointed

Meredith came to us after becoming discouraged with the service that she wasn’t getting from her previous agency.

They were not helping her, they weren’t getting back to her, and they weren’t really doing the work that needed to be done. When we started working with her, we found a lot of things that needed to be corrected.

“Nothing was working,” she said. This is what all of our clients say to us when they come to us. They just want their marketing to work.

We don’t think that’s too much to ask.

A solid company

Randall Foods has been in business since the late 1800s and to this day, they use Grandma Randall’s recipe. They pre-cook their beans in glass jars with a little bit of sugar, salt, and water. You can eat and cook with the beans right out of the jar. Customers use them to make salads, appetizers, entrees, and yes, even amazing desserts.

The Randalls started Randall Beans and went on as a family operation until the 1970s when they sold their company to Meredith’s father, Bill Washburn. He ran the company for a number of years. Meredith and her husband Scott bought the company from her father’s estate, and they’ve been running it ever since.

Meredith runs the company with Scott, who was a professor of business at MIT. Scott is now putting his business knowledge to work (and learning more along the way). Meredith is responsible for marketing, sales, and broker management. But they basically run the company together.

They sell their beans primarily in Midwestern stores.

For the places in the country where they aren’t yet in the stores, they needed a good solid e-commerce site.

Scott Harvey and Dawne Randall - Original Company Founders
Scott and Meredith Keating - Owners and Operators of Randall Beans

Website, recipes, influencers, social.

We set out to build a marketing machine that is as well-run as the company itself.

  1. We put our team to work on the site and turned it into a properly functioning e-commerce site.
  2. We found talented influencers who have created recipes that use the types of beans that Randall sells. We publish the recipes on the Randall site, with attribution and a link out to the influencer’s site. This helps with SEO.
  3. We reach out to other influencers and send them beans so they can experiment with them and include them in their recipes.
  4. We socialize the recipes and also include them in a monthly email that goes out to thousands of customers.

These efforts have increased their online sales. They have also given Meredith solid proof of customer delight that she can take to her brokers and retailers.

Why is Meredith the perfect client?

She’s smart. Meredith had experience in the food industry from growing up with her father running the company. She has used that knowledge to work with Scott to manage the company. They have built strong relationships with brokers, retailers, and customers. Meredith knows her stuff and is always looking for ways to improve. We all have a lot of respect for her. She also comes up with some great ideas.

She’s kind. We avoid working with bullies and manipulators. Which means that we look for clients whose first and dominant characteristic is to be kind. She takes care of us and knows we have her best interests at heart.

She’s logical. Meredith thinks things through and makes sense. Her instructions are clear. We agree easily on the best process for any project we work on together.

She’s funny. We enjoy all of our conversations with our clients, but Meredith gets us laughing more than most. Digital marketing is complex and technical. It requires the best efforts of the best professionals. It helps that Meredith makes it more fun.

She’s responsive. We can say with certainty that we wait for clients to do their part more than they wait for us to do ours. We know it’s because they’re busy and have a lot to do. We get it, and we are patient. But Meredith is one of our most responsive clients, in spite of her own very busy life. Projects move along smoothly with no delays. We are happy to say that usually the response is “Perfect!” or “This is FANTASTIC!!!!”

We are only as good as our clients, which is why we’re very careful about who we work with. We look for companies that have good products, people, processes, and policies. People who are passionate about what they’re doing.

What you should get from an agency like ours is the respect, ideas, processes, and experience that makes your marketing work.

That’s what you want, that’s what you should get, and that’s what we deliver.

So here’s to our perfect clients. We have more wonderful clients, but we thought we’d showcase Meredith because she’s such a great example.

If this profile reflects how you approach your own business, we’d love to talk to you. We might be the perfect agency for you. 

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